The Rainbow Caravan: Why do you have to be so NEGATIVE?

The two week wait has come and gone and even then we couldn’t contain our excitement and anxious energy to get through the entire window without testing. Last Thursday night we decided to use the free pregnancy test that came in one of our Ovulation Predictor Kit boxes. There we were in the bathroom tilting…

The Rainbow Caravan: According to Plan

Some behind the scenes stuff that threw a kink in things. Lets rewind back to a previous post. One that involved our dog, treats, and two donor numbers. Roughly two weeks following that post we were filling out the donor information when we noticed that the donor our dog Brady selected no longer had the…

The Rainbow Caravan: HIGH… What are you doing here?!

Just when you think you have this cycle figured out, Miss. Estrogen has a completely different plan in mind. Last month, my ovulation test didn’t provide a high reading until the 17th day of my cycle. In all honesty, last month we were concerned that I wouldn’t hit a high as we started testing at…

The Rainbow Caravan: Leave it to the Dog

If there’s one thing to say about Andrea and I as a couple it’s that we can be extremely indecisive when shopping. That is unless Andrea really wants us to purchase something so she begins pitching the product to me better than any car dealer I know. The woman could seriously sell you a Beggin…

The Rainbow Caravan

Welcome to The Rainbow Caravan – a series of blog posts dedicated to the bumpy ride to lesbian motherhood.